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Concrete - Concrete Sleeper Factory - Systems - Production System - Demoulding Machine

Introduction | Sleeper Factory | Daily Production Operations | Systems | Labs | History

Batching System | Production System | Stressing System | Curing System | Air System
1. Casting Machine | 2. Demoulding Machine | 3. Strand Running Machine | 4. Saw Machine

Demoulding Machine

  To remove the sleepers from the mould, turn them and place onto transport.
The De-moulding Machine is suspended from the overhead travelling crane. The crane has an electrical take off facility, which provides power to the De-moulding Machine. Using pendant controls the operator lowers the De-moulding Machine into the mould Lift Machine automatically position the de-moulding Machine. Hydraulic rams are actuated to grip the sleepers. Initial de-moulding action is caused by rams attached to the mould Lift Machine pushing the de-moulding Machine upwards. The De-moulding machine is then raised further and moved away from production line by crane. Its clamping frame is rotated through 180 degrees prior to lowering the sleepers onto the stacking timbers. Rams are released and the frame rotates back to its original position prior to commencement of the next cycle. Upon completion of this operation the de-moulding machine is placed within the Mould Lift Machine and both are removed from the bed.
Cycle time:
  Approximately 2.00 minutes. This is dependent upon the distance to be travelled by the De-moulding Machine from the sleeper casting bed to stacking position.


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